Frontend Related Resources and Tools 🧑‍💻

Here are some resources and tools that I have found useful for frontend development. I have tried to categorize them as best as I can.

Frontend Learning Resources 👨‍🎓

FreeCodeCampLearn to code for free. Build projects. Earn certifications.FreeCodeCamp
Frontend MastersLearn frontend development from industry experts.Frontend Masters
Frontend MentorBuild real projects. Get feedback. Improve your skills.Frontend Mentor
Frontend RoadmapA curated list of resources to learn frontend development.Frontend Roadmap
Frontend Developer RoadmapA curated list of resources to learn frontend development.Frontend Roadmap

Frontend Cheatsheets 📝

HTML/CSS/JS CheatsheetCheatsheets for HTML, CSS and JSHTML Cheatsheet
Bootstrap 4 CheatsheetCheatsheets for Bootstrap 4Bootstrap4 Cheatsheet
Bootstrap 5 CheatsheetCheatsheets for Bootstrap 5Bootstrap5 Cheatsheet
KodingReferences for HTML, CSS, JS, in Bahasa

Frontend Frameworks Documentation 📚

Tailwind CSS DocumentationA utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.Tailwind CSS
Bootstrap DocumentationThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.Bootstrap
Bulma DocumentationA modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.Bulma
Materialize DocumentationA modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design.Materialize
Semantic UI DocumentationA development framework that helps create beautiful, responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML.Semantic UI
Skeleton DocumentationA dead simple, responsive boilerplate to kickstart any responsive project.Skeleton

Frontend Libraries Documentation 📚

GreenSockA JavaScript library for high-performance animation that works in every major browser.GreenSock
Anime.jsA lightweight JavaScript animation library.Anime.js
FlickityA JavaScript library for flickable carousels.Flickity
SwiperThe most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions.Swiper
AOSAnimate on scroll library.AOS
ScrollRevealA JavaScript library for easily animating elements as they enter/leave the viewport.ScrollReveal
Typed.jsA JavaScript library for typing animations.Typed.js

Frontend Tips and Tricks 🧙‍♂️

30 frontend tips30 frontend tips for web developers.30 frontend tips
GetFrontendTipsTips and best practices for frontend
TailwindCSS Best PracticesBest practices for Tailwind CSS.TailwindCSS Best Practices
Center Elements with Tailwind CSSBest practice for centering elements with
The Surprising Truth About Pixels and AccessibilityShould I use pixels or ems/rems?!

Frontend Tools 🛠

Can I UseA simple website that tracks the usage of HTML, CSS, and SVG features.Can I Use
Clamp CalculatorA tool to calculate the number of lines of text that will fit in a given space.Clamp Calculator

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