Backend Related Resources🧑‍💻

Here are some resources and tools that I have found useful for Backend development. I have tried to categorize them as best as I can.

Useful API 🛠️

TheMealDBAn open, crowd-sourced database of Recipes from around the world.TheMealDB
TheCocktailDBAn open, crowd-sourced database of drinks and cocktails from around the world.TheCocktailDB

Laravel Packages 🛠️

Laravel JWT AuthA simple package to add JWT Authentication to Laravel.Laravel JWT Auth
Log Viewer[Log Viewer] is a Laravel package that allows for easy viewing and filtering of logs from Laravel, HTTP, Redis, and more, directly in your browser.Log Viewer
Laravel Shield packageA simple way to protect your laravel routes with laravel shield.Laravel Shield Package
LaravoltA Laravel package that contains data for Provinces, Regencies/Cities, and Districts/Villages throughout Indonesia.Laravolt


adonisjsA Node.js framework for building web applications.adonisjs


Dasar Pemrograman GolangBelajar dasar pemrograman GolangDasar Pemrograman Golang

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